Laser Facials


Laser facials are one of the most common cosmetic procedures being done today and although it is still classified as a type of surgical procedure no incisions are being made during a laser facial because the doctor will only be using an intense beam of light to improve of the texture and the overall appearance of the skin.

In an article by the Daily Mail in May 2012, it said that laser peels can give you dewy and very youthful skin. However, the price tag is more agonizing the procedure itself but for those who have a budget for such a treatment, it is actually an understatement to say that this procedure will not cause any pain. The adage –no pain, no gain is something that we should remember here because right after the treatment, your face will look red and very battered but the good news is, a fortnight later your skin will look so good and you will look 10 years younger.

According to a number of sources, actress Jennifer Aniston keeps herself looking youthful thanks to laser skin peels and as good as Aniston looks, lots people are surely wanting this procedure done as well. But the question is, is it really worth it and how much will it really cost?

Laser facials are actually rather new in the cosmetic industry but it promises to treat skin problems effectively through the use of carbon dioxide laser that vaporizes the outer layers of the skin i.e. the dead skin so that new skin replaces it.

Laser is very precise and can target damaged areas without having to penetrate other parts of the skin. It is usually used to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines specifically around the mouth and near the eyes –areas that are otherwise difficult to “fix” through the use of other skincare treatments.

According to experts, laser facials have the same effect as chemical peels. One has to note though that if you are thinking of getting this procedure done, laser facials will only take a few minutes if you are only targeting a certain part of your face but longer sessions are needed for those who would like to get treatment for the whole face. Of course the recovery can differ from one person to the next because this would depend on the depth of the laser’s penetration into the skin. Those who have more extensive work done on their faces would of course require a longer period for their skin to recover. Aftercare is needed when any kind of laser treatment is done and this should not be taken for granted.